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The HillTop Foundation

Giving people a

helping hand through

Uniting efforts to bridge gaps in opportunity, The HillTop Foundation stands as a beacon of hope for underprivileged communities. We channel generosity into action, creating pathways to education, health, and economic empowerment.

Who are we

A non-profit community interest organization.

We are driven by a passionate commitment to improving the health and well-being of our community and fostering a sense of belonging and support for all individuals. Founded with the belief that every person deserves access to essential support services and opportunities for growth, our organisation strives to make a positive impact through dedicated initiatives and collaborative efforts.

We care

At De La Colina, we care about working closely with community organizations

We approach our work with empathy and understanding, recognising the unique challenges faced by individuals in our community

Building a better future

The HillTop Brand you can trust.

De La Colina (DLC) is a not-for-profit community interest organisation. We are driven by a passionate commitment to improving the health and well-being of our community and fostering a sense of belonging and support for all individuals.

Helping Hand

Giving people a helping Hand through the hilltop Foundation.

We believe in empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being, offering resources and support to help them achieve their goals.

Make A Positive Impact In Someone's Life.

We believe every individual deserves access to essential support services and opportunities for growth. Unfortunately, many members of our community face challenge that hinder their ability to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

What's next with Dela?

How to get started

Choose the plan

Explore the causes you care about most. We work tirelessly to achieve it.

Select Your Donation Amount

Every contribution, big or small, helps us make a difference. Choose a one-time donation amount that fits your budget.

Secure Payment

Our secure donation form keeps your information safe. We accept major credit cards and debit cards.

Make a Difference!

Once you submit your donation, you'll receive a confirmation email with a receipt for your records.

Join us in this mission

We celebrate diversity and strive to create inclusive spaces where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued.
What We Do

We address our community's diverse needs.

De La Colina works tirelessly through various free programs and initiatives to address our community's diverse needs. From organising health and wellness workshops to facilitating peer support groups, we are committed to creating inclusive spaces where individuals can connect, learn, and thrive.

Community Integration Events.

Connect, Collaborate, Elevate: Join Our Community Integration Events!

Fashion events, including popups and classes for intending fashion designers

Neighbourhood Clean-up Initiatives: Volunteer-led projects beautifying local neighbourhoods and promoting community pride.

Cultural Diversity Celebration: Events showcasing the diverse cultures within the community through food, fashion, music, and dance.

Health Education Sessions.

Empowering Knowledge, Nurturing Well-being

Nutrition and Healthy Eating: Workshops on the importance of balanced diets and healthier food choices.

Menstrual Health hygiene seminars and PMDD seminars.

Stress Management: Techniques for coping with stress and promoting mental well-being.

Why Your Donation Matters

Every individual deserves access

We believe every individual deserves access to essential support services and opportunities for growth. Unfortunately, many members of our community face challenges that hinder their ability to lead healthy, fulfilling lives. That's where your donation comes in.


We welcome partnerships and sponsorships from businesses, organisations, and community groups that share our commitment to making a positive impact.
De La Colina UK interest
De La Colina UK interest


We have robust recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff and volunteers working with vulnerable people and children are suitable and qualified and undergo appropriate background checks.

Ready to lend a hand?

Are you passionate about making a difference in your community? Whether you're interested in volunteering, donating, or simply learning more about our work, there are many ways to get involved. Together, we can create a healthier, more connected community for all.
Here to clear any doubts

Frequently asked questions

How can I get involved with De La Colina

We welcome individuals passionate about making a difference in their community to join us in our mission. You can get involved by volunteering your time, donating to support our programs, participating in fundraising events, or becoming an advocate for our cause. Visit our 'Get Involved' page on our website to explore the various opportunities available.

Who can benefit from the services offered by De La Colina?

Our services are designed to support individuals of all ages and backgrounds who may be experiencing social isolation, mental health challenges, or seeking community support. Whether you're a newcomer to the community, a senior looking for companionship, or someone struggling with mental health issues, our programs are open to everyone needing support.

How do I access support services or resources provided by De La Colina?

Accessing our support services is easy. You can contact us directly through the contact information provided on our website, attend one of our scheduled events or workshops, or inquire about referrals from other community agencies. We're here to help and will guide you through the process every step of the way.

What types of programs and initiatives does De La Colina offer?

We offer diverse programs and initiatives to promote health, well-being, and community integration. There's something for everyone, from wellness workshops and fitness classes to peer support groups and social events. Explore our 'Programs' section to learn more about our offerings.

How can I donate to support the work of De La Colina?

Your generous donations are crucial in supporting our mission and enabling us to continue providing essential services to our community. All donations are used to organise. You can donate securely online through our website, contribute in-kind donations, or explore corporate sponsorship opportunities. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. Your generosity enables us to provide vital resources, support programs, and outreach initiatives that benefit those in need. Whether it's funding wellness workshops, supporting mental health programs, or organising community events, your donation plays a crucial role in making a difference in the lives of individuals and families in our community.

Are there opportunities for corporate partnerships or sponsorships with De La Colina?

Yes, we welcome partnerships and sponsorships from businesses, organisations, and community groups that share our commitment to making a positive impact. Whether through financial support, in-kind donations, or employee volunteering programs, corporate partners are vital in helping us expand our reach and enhance our programs. Contact us to discuss potential partnership opportunities.

How can I stay updated on De La Colina's events?

Stay connected by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media, or joining our mailing list. We regularly share updates, news, and event announcements through these channels to keep our community informed and engaged. You can also visit our website's 'Events' page for a calendar of upcoming activities.

How does De La Colina ensure its clients' and participants' privacy and confidentiality?

We take the privacy and confidentiality of our clients and participants very seriously. We have strict policies and procedures to safeguard personal information and ensure compliance with privacy laws and regulations. Our team undergoes regular training on privacy practices, and we utilise secure systems and protocols to protect sensitive data.

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Donate responsibly. It goes a long way
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